posted on 14/4/19 at 11:17 AM |
Speed Sensor Wiring and Connector Help
Does anyone know the pin out or the correct way to wire the following sensor:
eBay Item
Cambiare speed sensor used in a number of fords, but I am struggling to find it in any wiring diagrams online.
Also looking to use the correct sensor so any future replacements are plug and play, anyone know where I can get them, guessing ford will be part of a
larger loom so prohibitively expensive. Will change the connector if I have to, just rather not.
Thanks in advance,
Why do it the easy way, when I can do things my way!
posted on 14/4/19 at 12:16 PM |
Brown/Black +ve (12v)
Brown -ve (earth)
Brown/Yellow signal ( to speedo )
I may I have a plug. I have tins full of them that I am currently sorting out and will have a look
posted on 14/4/19 at 12:47 PM |
That was quick! Thank you very much. That would be awesome!
Why do it the easy way, when I can do things my way!
posted on 14/4/19 at 06:40 PM |
The only triangle one I’ve got only has 2 pins so is a reverse switch plug. Sorry.
I usually fit an amp seal plug on mine.
posted on 14/4/19 at 07:14 PM |
Thank you for looking, and thank you for the wiring as well.
If Ican't find the correct connector, I will see what connectors I already have to replace thhe correct one. if none are suitable I will take a
look at amp seal connectors, as you advise.
When I built the car I used Deutsch connectors, that was a while go, and not sure what I have left.
Why do it the easy way, when I can do things my way!