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North Weald - this sunday
mark chandler - 21/8/10 at 06:11 PM

A few of us going, only 14 booked out of the 24 places available, why not pop down and enjoy a day out for £50 per car?

Regards Mark

snapper - 21/8/10 at 06:15 PM

Can I turn up tomorrow and pay ?

eddie99 - 21/8/10 at 06:15 PM

Means more time on the track for us

eddie99 - 21/8/10 at 06:16 PM

Originally posted by snapper
Can I turn up tomorrow and pay ?

I spoke on the phone and they said if you book tonight and dont pay and turn up with £50 thats fine, as i went on the web and paid, you can just say you were me and rang up

snapper - 21/8/10 at 06:35 PM

Thanks for the Eddie , for me it more of how are things at home before I leave and can I get the car started after several weeks standing.
Any of these conditions don't happen I loose £50

eddie99 - 21/8/10 at 06:43 PM

Might be worth giving them a call, its a family thing so they might happen to answer the phone

scudderfish - 21/8/10 at 07:33 PM

Boo, stuck in Bath

GeorgeM - 21/8/10 at 07:37 PM

Originally posted by scudderfish
Boo, stuck in Bath

take the plug out

gavin174 - 21/8/10 at 07:46 PM

will be over the workshop about 7.30 in the morning Paul

got to ring Ed at 7.00 to make sur he is up.

shall i give you a call too

Steve Lovelock - 22/8/10 at 07:10 AM

I hope you all have a good day. I live near North Weald and will be sprinting the Luego there next weekend but I had no idea they do track days as well.

Who organises it?
How much does it cost?
Are there any more planned in the near future?


Steve Lovelock - 22/8/10 at 07:54 AM

OK, now read the other post so I answered my own questions. Looks great though.

If they book any more days on a weekend then I'd be up for it.

eddie99 - 22/8/10 at 06:28 PM

Would just like to say Thanks to Ant for part organising this event. Had a fantastic day even in the tintop, can't wait for the next one.....

And good to put some forum names to faces and thanks to those who took me out and inspired me to get cracking

Xtreme Kermit - 22/8/10 at 07:11 PM


Many thanks to Ant and the instructors.

Good to see some really 'spirited' driving

Nice to meet some nice people too.

Top day out, and all that broke was the fan relay! Result.

twybrow - 22/8/10 at 07:29 PM

Thanks to several people. All the boys who chipped in with organising and running the day. Thanks to Mark for taking a 10amp fuse from his Jag for my fan! Thanks Halfords for having a 15amp fuse when that one blew!

A great day - never spun my car before, and certainly never spun at that speed in anything! Loved the miles of empty track to find the limits!

I'll post some pics and vids when they finish uploading.

List of jobs from today:
1. Fan circuit
2. Intermittent starting - check my earth
3. Glue seat back together - the GTS seat shell came completely de-bonded from the base - not much fun mid corner!
4. Glue brake level sensor back together
5. Sleep!

aka Keith - 23/8/10 at 08:50 AM

Just a note to say to the folks, thanks for setting the day up.

fantastic fun.

Like Twybrow, I had never managed to spin my car before, and even in the rather damp conditions in morning was pushin on to close to my dry speed for the left hander.

After my one trip round the large circuit, I got paranoid about my diff leaking oil, so basically sat out for the rest of the day.

Eventually thought that I would take it to the short course, my thinking being that I would rather the diff blew on the track than on the M25 on the way home. Manged to beat my old record by 1 sec and got into the 47s - and am thinking that I have got close to my limit now - need to do the driver upgrade next, I reckon - or some proper 888's rather than the rain tyres I have on at the moment

Pootled back along the M25 no probs, so possibly it was not my diff leaking, rather just conincidence to park on top of a little pool of oil. Will check it out at the weekend.

Brilliant, day, great fun, cheap as chips for some hooning and hope to get the good lady driving the car in anger at one in the future.

Hope to see you all at another in the future.

[Edited on 23/8/10 by aka Keith]

FlansS14 - 23/8/10 at 09:43 AM

Hi all,

What a great day! Big thanks to the organizers/instructors it was a great event and an absolute bargain!
Nice to meet you all and put some names to faces, plus it’s good to meet such a nice bunch of people. Big thanks to Trevor for taking my Girlfriends little brother out for a spin in your TVR he was well chuffed.

I only had a crappy video on my phone but here is on of the stills. If anyone has any pictures or videos id love to see them

In case you didn’t realise i had ALLOT of fun

Apologies to the local fire marshals for the false alarm

twybrow - 23/8/10 at 07:09 PM

Have uploaded my vids to youtube

Some are good, some are less good. Flans - your burnout/doughnuts/general buggering around video is awesome! Have a look at them all and let me know what you think!

eddie99 - 23/8/10 at 07:28 PM

Some great videos, glad you saved best till last :p

FlansS14 - 23/8/10 at 09:26 PM

Oh very good! Nice one thanks for that. Can't wait for the next event now!