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Autosolo - FDMC SEPTEMBER 12th
loggyboy - 23/8/10 at 12:56 PM

Another chance to have a cheap day of motorsport.

Aldershot Sunday 12th September.

RK - 23/8/10 at 10:04 PM

THAT'S what I've been trying to describe to people that I've been doing with my Deman SR7. Autosolo = Autoslalom = Autocross

It is huge fun and the danger level is nothing like racing. You never get out of 3rd gear, max.

spdpug98 - 24/8/10 at 08:59 AM

As I missing Mallory on the 19th Sept as I will be in Florida, this could be a nice run out the weekend before

Has anyone done one before and is it a good day out, how many runs etc do you get

Any noise limits / tests

FlansS14 - 24/8/10 at 10:01 AM

it says you need a Racing licence?

tcc21racing - 27/8/10 at 08:26 PM

FDMC run four courses during the day

4 timed runs on the first course, 3 on the others the best two runs of a course score

no racing licence needed just an MOT and Tax and that the car is driven to the event

I have a westfield which on the courses never exceeds 60mph on any of the courses, the cones used are not weighted so should not damage your car if you do wipe them out as i have found in the past

for the money you cant beat it, great courses and very well run, perfect for anyone wanting to give motorsport a try

loggyboy - 1/9/10 at 03:54 PM

Originally posted by spdpug98
Any noise limits / tests

Noise Levels are as Blue Book (99db IIRC)

the rest of scutineering is basic test of safety, (firm brake pedal, road legal tyres, steering secure, battery secure etc)

As above, no special equipment or licenses, just Tax, Mot and insurance (standard road insurance at that)

The usual standard is 3 times runs at 4 courses, abuot 1 minute per run, best 2 times at each course count to overal time. If time allows, 4 runs, 2 counting on 1 or more of the courses is attempted.

Lots of videos on youtube, just search for FDMC Autosolo.

[Edited on 1/9/10 by loggyboy]

tcc21racing - 2/9/10 at 06:57 PM

Blue book may say 99db however i have never seen anyone do any testing for noise! 90% of the cars would fail if they did,
Its common sense if your car can pass an MOT then it's fine

[Edited on 2/9/10 by tcc21racing]

loggyboy - 3/9/10 at 11:40 AM

Sound was being tested at the last, but i beleive only as a test run to see if anyone was heading for or over the limit. (Ian in the Blue Mx5 (at the end of the vid) was one who was 'borderline'

tcc21racing - 3/9/10 at 04:14 PM

damn mx5's it would be one of them, my trusty Simpsons exhaust can sorts the noise out a treat, and it should for the price i payed for it

tcc21racing - 3/9/10 at 07:41 PM

Footage from a 7 just to wet appetites