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Sierra uprights and load point.
kiwirex - 16/7/03 at 08:01 AM

Something I read a few months back must have been percolating around and has just popped back into my head.

The sierra uprights were built with McPherson struts, which means all the weight is supported by the top bit (technical term) where the insert goes.

But with wishbones like Rons, the weight goes on the bottom bit where the cortina / maxi balljoint goes in.

Is this a worry?

The avon uses sierra uprights don't it? So it must be alright? (or did it just slip past...)?

Anyone been driving a Sierra uprighted car for a year or two?


Greg H

James - 16/7/03 at 08:25 AM

MK, Tiger, Luego and countless others use Sierra stuff so I wouldn't worry.

Also, bear in mind a Locost weighs half or less that of a Sierra.

All IMHO of course!


DaveFJ - 16/7/03 at 11:40 AM

dunno about the others but the Avon uses cortina uprights....

James - 16/7/03 at 03:10 PM

Originally posted by protofj
dunno about the others but the Avon uses cortina uprights....

Oh yeah! Well for Tiger read Dax then!

kingr - 17/7/03 at 08:23 AM

Even westfield uses them on their SDV.


kiwirex - 19/7/03 at 08:55 AM

Thanks guys,

Anyone know of people using other mcpherson uprights ??

- Greg H

8smokingbarrels - 20/7/03 at 10:23 PM

Greg, I cant comment on the sierra strut but frankly cant see any strength problems.

As an example- I was down at the scrappie's getting a mondeo strut. The scrappie had to whack the cr*p out of the lower part of the strut to detach it from the upper part. To be honest there is hardly a mark where he was hitting (close to where the upper balljoint will be sited).

I was really impressed how the strong the ford stuff was to be honest. KINGR is using Sierra upright- check out his pics



jbmcsorley - 31/7/03 at 12:58 PM

Hi kiwirex,

In the US there are a lots of modified struts other than the Sierra.... Toyota and 1st Gen. RX7 conversions are quite common and I've not heard of anyone having trouble.

cheers, -Jim M.