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mjb199 - 7/8/14 at 07:12 PM

Has anyone tried fitting a Westfield SEiW windscreen to an MK Indy? If so how did it fit? Could you post a photo showing the fit.

Dick Axtell - 8/8/14 at 08:52 AM

Yes - I tried a wide-bodied Westie screen on my MK scuttle. It did NOT fit. The lower screen curve is shallower, and therefore does not match the curve of the scuttle.

fimi7 - 8/8/14 at 06:31 PM

Same here, did not fit very well, left gaps. It could be tweaked to work, would try the MK first. I still have mine on the car, but it just does not look too good.

mjb199 - 8/8/14 at 06:55 PM

Could you show a photo?