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R1 probs
markyb - 22/6/09 at 07:39 PM


started my car up today (hadnt been running for about a week) and noticed it was not running smoothly. I discovered that the exhaust header at number 4 was a lot cooler than the rest so I tried swapping the plug and then the coil at number 4 but the engine continued to run rough.

There is power going to the electrical connector for coil 4 but when I use this to connect to coil number 3 the engine does not start - is the connector faulty or does the ECU realise that number 3 connector is not connected ?

I have also take the plug out of number 4 and started the engine - I do not see a spark but there is air being expelled from the spark plug hole at a regular interval

any ideas on where the problem lies ?


PS it is an 03 engine

Mark - 22/6/09 at 08:06 PM

Hi i seen a problem like this before with a bike that was not been use much.
When you start it it would not fire on one cylinder. Drive it for about 10 miles, and the none firing cylinder would start to come on line bit by bit chucking away, and after a bit would be fine.
In this case a new set of plugs fix the problem
Hope this helps you.

BenB - 22/6/09 at 08:11 PM

Could be dead plugs. Bike plugs are a bit choosy. If you flood 'em (e.g. an aborted start attempt) they rarely come back to life. Some people put them in the cooker to dry them out but success varies...

markyb - 22/6/09 at 08:46 PM

I had just completed a change of oil, plugs and filter - I was starting the engine for the 1st time after doing this.

I think something has went internally as the engine was quite noisy on initial start up compared to now but wanted to sound out a few ideas before I started looking inside at things I know nothing about

bassett - 22/6/09 at 10:03 PM

Could run diagnostics mode 30-33 or what ever it is and fire the plugs individually to see whats going on. If alls good then the test for the injectors as the ticking noice will be noticeable and a clear sign that it needs whipping out to be cleaned/replaced.