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power commander firmware issue
r1_manx - 12/9/10 at 09:46 AM

Hey guys,

I've recently fitted a second hand (ebay) power commander USB III to my Yamaha R1 mini, and it works perfectly well apart from one issue, the firmware. I also have the power commander LCD screen to go with the commander, but when plugging it in, it powers the unit, but doesn't give any data (rpm's etc). I looked into it further and annoyingly, because the firmware is an early version on my power commander, it needs updating in order for it to communicate with the LCD screen properly....and guess what, Dynojet in their infinite wisdom, want you to buy a specific programmer unit just so you can update the bloody firmware! I was just wondering if 1.anyone has had this problem and has found any other solution to it? and 2. If anyone has a power commander programmer, would they be willing to lend it to me if I covered the postage cost plus a few quid for helping me out?

I just can't stand it when companies sell you a piece of kit and then fail to inform you that 'it does virtually everything you want it to do, but not that really important need our ultra uber intelligent commander flash unit pro 7 mega kit for that, and it's only £99.99 if you order through the website!' tosspots...Dynojet are about as much use as Anne Frank's drum kit! :0

If anyone can help me out with this firmware annoyance then it would be greatly appreciated.



ko_racer - 12/9/10 at 10:56 AM

Think I may have one you can borrow. I had to update mine when I got the ignition module. I'll see if I can find it

r1_manx - 12/9/10 at 04:25 PM

Great stuff, if you do have one I could borrow please PM me and i'll send you the address and arrange payment to cover the postage etc.

Cheers, Ben

paublo999 - 12/9/10 at 05:44 PM

just send the unit to them?

When one of my units failed they repaired it and sent it back free of charge. Couldnt fault the service or support on the phone.


r1_manx - 13/9/10 at 07:37 AM

* I can't comment on their after sales support, but I am mainly frustrated with their sales policy of selling an item that, down the line, requires lot's of little add on features at extra cost, when all you want to do is a simple software update essentially.

Thanks again to Keith ('ko_racer' for offering to help me out with the power commander update tool, it's good to know that members on here are willing to help each other out.