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Bike Engined Single Seater Progress
lsdweb - 23/4/06 at 07:40 PM

Hi All

My R1 Single Seater is actually starting to look like a car! It's now rolling and the exhaust manifold is finished (an absolute work of art!).

There are a couple of jobs left to do - fit the rear bodywork and the gear linkage and then it'll be coming home for wiring, plumbing, brakes etc..

I've given up on getting it ready for my first event (Llandow) on the 13th May but will concentrate on getting it ready for a test session before Pembrey mid June. Whilst I'm disappointed it won't be ready for my deadline I'm chuffed at the way it's turned out!

There are update photos here - scroll to the bottom of the page.



Volvorsport - 23/4/06 at 07:56 PM

whos your mate with a darrian , terry brown ?

nitram38 - 23/4/06 at 08:10 PM

It looks very good.
For my next road car I want to build a chassis similar to the ariel atom, but use an R1 engine.
Could you tell me the approxemate dimensions of your engine and also where you got your diff from?

Regards Martin

lsdweb - 23/4/06 at 09:10 PM

Volvorsport - he's a guy called Mydrian Harries - now runs a Radical - very quick but had a biggish crash in pre season practice.

Martin, I don't have the car here so can't measure the engine but it's pretty compact and I'm sure the dimesnions are out there already. The diff is from Quaife - it's their chain driven diff (Fiesta ATB) - the carrier was made in house and ery nice it is too - loads of scope for adjustment and various sprockets.



nitram38 - 23/4/06 at 09:17 PM

Cheers Wyn!

RazMan - 23/4/06 at 09:38 PM

Looking good - should be a hoot to drive

lsdweb - 24/4/06 at 07:19 AM

Hi Raz

It's going to be scary to drive! The leap from road going Locost (190BHP - 530kg) to full slicks and wings ('only' 160BHP but very light) will be huge!


rv1890 - 24/4/06 at 07:28 AM

Where did you source your uprights from?I need something low profile like those and that stays tucked in away almost flush with the rim.

lsdweb - 24/4/06 at 09:38 AM

The uprights are the original Swift FF2000 ones - don't know where you'd get them from although there are loads of suppliers of pre owned race car bits.

jimgiblett - 24/4/06 at 11:03 AM


If you need to get fairly accurate dimensions I have an R1 crankcase (ie top and bottom halves) which you are welcome to borrow. This would be ideal to use for making up mounts etc.



Originally posted by nitram38
It looks very good.
For my next road car I want to build a chassis similar to the ariel atom, but use an R1 engine.
Could you tell me the approxemate dimensions of your engine and also where you got your diff from?

Regards Martin

nitram38 - 24/4/06 at 11:29 AM

Originally posted by jimgiblett

If you need to get fairly accurate dimensions I have an R1 crankcase (ie top and bottom halves) which you are welcome to borrow. This would be ideal to use for making up mounts etc.



Originally posted by nitram38
It looks very good.
For my next road car I want to build a chassis similar to the ariel atom, but use an R1 engine.
Could you tell me the approxemate dimensions of your engine and also where you got your diff from?

Regards Martin

Jim, thanks for the offer, that would be brilliant.
I will try to arrange to come and see you in a couple of weeks as I am a bit busy.
What part of Sussex are you in?
When I get my car sva-ed, it will be an excuse for a ride out.
I originally come from Bognor Regis (born Rustington).

TimC - 24/4/06 at 11:50 AM


You going to go down to Llandow on the 13th for a look anyway?

Will be there and it'd be cool to say hello if you'tre around.


lsdweb - 24/4/06 at 12:08 PM

Hi Tim

I'll come along (live just west of Llanelli so it's not so far - spent a lot of time there a few years ago). Let me know what car number you are and I'll wander over for a chat - I'll be the miserable one sulking because I'm not playing!



jimgiblett - 26/4/06 at 04:55 PM

You have U2U



Originally posted by jimgiblett

If you need to get fairly accurate dimensions I have an R1 crankcase (ie top and bottom halves) which you are welcome to borrow. This would be ideal to use for making up mounts etc.



Originally posted by nitram38
It looks very good.
For my next road car I want to build a chassis similar to the ariel atom, but use an R1 engine.
Could you tell me the approxemate dimensions of your engine and also where you got your diff from?

Regards Martin

lsdweb - 10/7/06 at 09:35 PM

Hi All

I'm slowly making progress - some pictures here scroll down to the photos near the bottom of the page.

I'm pretty pleased I've managed to get the throttle bodies to fit the early (carbed) head - now got a set of R1 carbs for sale!
