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sharp external edges
markyb - 12/3/10 at 07:25 PM

luckily I got my car SVA'd just before the change to IVA but am helping someone prep their car for IVA and we were wondering about sharp edges where the body tub wraps around the floor.

Had a quick look through one of the kitcar mags today whilst in a book shop and it just happened to have an IVA guide in it - this mentioned that external sharp edges are only measured from above the floorplan - does this mean that the bottom of the body tub would not be measured ?

if they do measure this what is the best 'permanent' way to keep the tester happy ?


ashg - 12/3/10 at 07:42 PM

my ali rear tub had a couple of little rough bits but went through fine on wednesday.

if its underneath then you should be fine.

dunk3 - 12/3/10 at 07:53 PM

I will be using some hockey trim on the side panels to cover the so called (sharp edges) for the IVA, stuck it on with sikaflex Rescued attachment hockey trim fitted.jpg
Rescued attachment hockey trim fitted.jpg

ashg - 12/3/10 at 09:19 PM

if its like dunk's just mask it up and run a bead of clear silicone down it so they cant feel a sharp edge.

Daddylonglegs - 12/3/10 at 09:21 PM

dunk3, where do you get that trim from? I think it finishes the bottom off nicely.

dunk3 - 13/3/10 at 02:50 PM

Hi Daddylonglegs, i got the trim from Direct Plastics (0114 256 0889) in sheffield, they call it hockey trim.