I'm building an MNR RT+ and i have some problems with my selfcentering of the steering. I THINK its the steeringrack thats too
"tight"... Does anyone know if its possible to lighten it up so it moves more easy?
Best regards Henrik
Originally posted by Henrik H
I'm building an MNR RT+ and i have some problems with my selfcentering of the steering. I THINK its the steeringrack thats too "tight"... Does anyone know if its possible to lighten it up so it moves more easy?
Best regards Henrik
If you remove the small oval plate which is secured by 2 bolts there are shims and a spring underneath, add more shims to slacken the rack.
Be warned though that you are effectively altering the depth of mesh between the rack and pinion and you end up with play in the rack if you add too
many shims.
The steering seems fine when i drive, but when i have the car jacked up its pretty hard to turn the wheel by hands (at the wheel), and it makes no
diffrense if i disconect the steeringparts that goes up to the steeringwheel. Thats why i thought it might be the rack, but keep giving me tips! Here
are my front setup: 8,5 deg caster, 1,2 deg camber, 2mm toein
/ Henrik
Originally posted by Henrik H
I'm building an MNR RT+ and i have some problems with my selfcentering of the steering. I THINK its the steeringrack thats too "tight"... Does anyone know if its possible to lighten it up so it moves more easy?
Best regards Henrik
Have you got NEG or POS castor? you need about + 6 or less POS
Originally posted by philw
Have you got NEG or POS castor? you need about + 6 or less POS
Like Craig says. Cleaning it all up worked wonders for my self centreing and then I added a cardboard shim to the clutch (oval plate with spring inside) this sorted mine out.