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bike powered 7??
RabNo1 - 3/5/02 at 12:06 AM

Can someone explain to me (or point me in the direction of a site that will explain), the basics of how a twin bike engined car gets the drive from the bikes gearbox to the wheels?
Also anyone ever tryed putting a nitrous kit in any 7??


UncleFista - 3/5/02 at 11:57 AM

Can't help you with the bike engine question, but as for NOS have a look at Burgerman's site, full NOS set up for £60

jbmcsorley - 3/5/02 at 01:26 PM

Here are some links, but I haven't looked through them much yet.

The "Bespoke transfer box" is refered to, which is a term I'm not familiar with. I think they mean it is 'custom' as opposed to a brand name... and it is most likely proprietary (big money).

I would also like to know how it works!

-Jim M.

theconrodkid - 3/5/02 at 04:33 PM

Turn the engine sideways,remove the chain sprocket and atach a propshaft in its place,prop drives rear wheels,simple till you have to reverse the thing

Jon Ison - 3/5/02 at 05:20 PM

reverse no problem, just look for them cambers, failing that my right hand reach'es the floor and paddle like fe*k.

the twin bikes you have seen on telly are 4wd hence the engines arn't coupled as such, you will see twin rear engined grass cars, they just use two chains onto the one axle, 2 gear levers, pull/push at same time, problem starts when one is in a higher gear than other, but the gears are so close you can usually get away with it, i only lose/gain about 800rpm from 4th to 5th so one reving that bit more is ok, they use two rev counters so you can spot when this has happend and change gear on one motor to bring em back into line, but a normal grass race only see's one gear change anyway, get that rite and thats it till end of race.

RabNo1 - 3/5/02 at 05:26 PM

Cheers for all the replys