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WTD: 22mm to 16mm 90degree bend
stuart_g - 12/1/10 at 04:47 PM

I need a 22mm - 16mm 90 degree bend for part of the cooling system.
I have one of the silicon type hoses but it is only 100mm long in each direction and I need the 22mm side to be 175mm long. I could extend it but it would mean buying a 1 meter length of blue silicon hose just to use 75mm off it. I don't fancy trawling round breakers yards trying to find something off a production car so does anyone know where I might be able to get a hose like this.
Another alternative is to find a plastic/metal 22-16 elbow and then use rubber hose off this but I can't find one of these either.

Can anyone suggest anyhting.

jacko - 12/1/10 at 06:07 PM

How about copper pipe?this is mine

[Edited on 12/1/10 by jacko]

speed8 - 12/1/10 at 06:21 PM

I might have a bit of 22mm in the garage. I'll check later and if I have it I can stick it in the post for you.

aitch - 12/1/10 at 06:27 PM

took the words right out of my mouth

yeah copper pipe


splitrivet - 12/1/10 at 06:46 PM

A Yorkshire 22mm elbow with a 22 to 15mm reducer soldered into it all off the shelf plumbing fittings available from your local B&Q whorehouse would do the job.

[Edited on 12/1/10 by splitrivet]

BenB - 12/1/10 at 07:00 PM

Yup. That's wot I was thinking too Nice bit of copper pipe and job's a good'un.

britishtrident - 12/1/10 at 07:40 PM

22mm bore is an odd size for a cooling system normally 19mm (3/4" or 25mm (1".

19mm to 15mm (5/8" is easy eough just use a plastic 19mm -15mm -19mm plastic T and blpck off the the unwanted 19mm side by screwing in a bolt.

Peteff - 12/1/10 at 07:48 PM

Solder a straight fitting on the end of your 15mm pipe to build up the width, I did that to increase a 22mm and if you use solder ring fittings the ridge helps locate the rubber pipe over it when you clip behind it.

speed8 - 12/1/10 at 10:07 PM

Checked, I have some 19mm and 25mm.

As mentioned, just get some copper pipe to make the bend. I used it to make a U bend over my steering rack.