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R1 MNR Vortx H672 PEF?
Wells - 30/7/12 at 06:46 PM

Hi Folks. Does anybody have any info on the above car? It is currently for sale on Pistonheads. Looking for a bit of history or name of person who built it. All the best

Markyb13 - 7/8/12 at 08:26 PM


I would speak to Chris at MNR, he tends to know about who built or owned most of their cars, I know when I was looking to by a car mnr had just checked the car over for the previous owner as Chris mentioned to me that it was for sale and sent me some pictures of the car so I recognised the reg numbe when I saw your post, I also found a clip of what I'm sure is the car being driven on you tube, looking at the pictures Chris sent me and looking at the video. The link is below, hope this helps.
