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MS Datalogging
Blackbird Rush - 6/3/10 at 10:49 PM

Ran the Blackbird engine up again today to start playing with the Megasquirt.

Seamed to idle OK occasionally hunted a bit but sat at 900-1000 rpm.

captured some datalogs (attached hopefully)

When i gave it a rev it would go to about 6K before spluttering, also if you give it a quick burst of the throttle the engine dies.

Not really done any setting up in Megatune except the basics can someone a bit more knowledgeable have a look at the logs and give me some pointers of things to adjust to get me started..



[Edited on 6/3/10 by Blackbird Rush]

Blackbird Rush - 6/3/10 at 10:49 PM

Another log file...

Blackbird Rush - 6/3/10 at 10:50 PM

And the third....

chasmon - 7/3/10 at 05:24 PM

Read all the MS documentation you can get your hands on... Then read it again

Seriously though a burst of throttle making it die either indicates that the acceleration enrichement is set wrong or not being triggered, or you may of course be moving the throttle to a part of the map thats completely wrong.

You really need to start tuning from the bottom up - as in don't rev the thing until you have the lower revs sorted and progress that way. If the fuelling isn't right you could cause damage by trying to run it. Where has the map you've got come from?

The extraEFI webpage (this is a commercial site) has a really good tuning walkthrough...

Not got time to look at the logs right now as I'm runing late!

[Edited on 7/3/10 by chasmon]

Blackbird Rush - 7/3/10 at 09:48 PM

Thanks for the link i'll have a read, looks a bit more straight forward.

I have read through the megamanual but by the time i get to play with the car its all been forgotton.

Map is mine stating from scratch with values inputted as i've read the manual.

matt_gsxr - 7/3/10 at 10:41 PM


I'm trying to read the logs, but I need to know what your AFR is doing. Which device and voltages are you using?

At present I have AFR=10 at idle and when you open the throttle, then AFR >17.7 when you close the throttle. But it would be nice to know what the AFR is.

You may need to add more low end sites (add more sites if you haven't already got sites at idle, idle+0.5%, idle+1%, idle+2%,idle+4% etc etc 0.5% is 1unit on an 8bit TPS).

I assume you are running Alpha-N


[Edited drastically because I was talking rubbish and hadn't looked carefully at the logs!]

[Edited on 7/3/10 by matt_gsxr]

matt_gsxr - 7/3/10 at 10:52 PM

From your other post I think you are running an LC-1, how have you configured the output. I think the MS wants it to put out 0-10v (check the manuals before believing this), then Megalogviewer can put it into AFR units.

As stated in the manual. Too rich (if you get lots of miss-fires) can look like lean, from the un-used air.

In practice you can change values and see what happens and get a feel for it. Be brave.


BenTyreman - 8/3/10 at 10:22 PM

If you are running an LC-1 with default settings, the MS should be set to 0v = lambda 0.5, 5v = lambda 1.5. A common change is to set the LC-1 and MS to 0v = AFR 10, 5v = AFR 20.

Not sure which ECU you are running, but the record capture seems very slow, one record every 0.15 seconds. On MS2 I am capturing every 0.06 seconds.

You only seem to have RPM accurate to the nearest 100 RPM.

You should post your MSQ, but if I had to hazard a guess, I would say your VE table is too flat. At low load, you are too rich, and as you open the throttle it either gets too lean, or you get a rich misfire. Gve doesn't move much so I presume it's leaning out.

You also seem to have some strangeness in either MAP or throttle position. At 0 throttle, you have 100 MAP. And in general, MAP is too high, even for throttle bodies. At idle you should be down around 50 kPa.

matt_gsxr - 9/3/10 at 10:22 PM

Good points Ben.

I am running MS1 (the most basic version), and I get samples at 70ms frequency. Perhaps the laptop is a bit slow. Also my RPM is at better than 100rpm steps.

Regarding the MAP. I have a similar engine to the Blackbird (bike engine is similar capacity), and get an idle MAP of around 62.

The lean peaks come after the throttle has been closed by the looks of it. Interesting.


Blackbird Rush - 9/3/10 at 10:23 PM

Thanks for the feedback, attached is the map i'm building (or will be building as its pretty much at defults at the mo)

Setup is :

MS1 V3 board
Fuel only sparks are triggered by std honda cdi module with a 1 wire trigger to MS
LC1 wideband

As mentioned before i've done nout to the VE table so its at its defults.

Question, how can i change the gagues in megatune / tuner studio to show 12,000 rpm?

I'll have a closer look at the VE table and do some more reading.



matt_gsxr - 10/3/10 at 11:07 PM

Hi there,

I have opened the map.

It looks like you are using B&G code. It is well worth changing to the MSExtra code, and assuming the resistance of your injectors is more than 10Ohms (very likely) that you go for the hi-res version of this code.

The MSExtra code makes much better use of the hardware than the standard B+G code giving loads of features many of which are useful. There is no disadvantage as far as I am aware.

The hi-res code, allows much more precise control of the injector timings. This allowed me to get a much more stable idle and also (as long as you have injectors with >10Ohm resistance) has no disadvantages either.

You can download this from here with the Megasquirt code set up to work prperly with it

Regarding your map. It is normal to use Alpha-N in ITB installations (rather than speed-density), as the MAP doesn't give sufficient information (see manuals for details on this). Loads of people have had success with alpha-N. If you chose the correct MSExtra HR code version then I think it can come pre-configured for Alpha-N.

Regarding the tacho scale. If you are using MegaTune then you need to change one of these
tachometer = rpm, "Engine Speed", "RPM", 0, 8000, 300, 600, 3000, 5000, 0, 0
to increase the 8000 to something bigger. The problem is that I can't remember which .ini file to change. Sorry.

The better way of tuning is to use MegaTuneStudio. This is being supported more strongly and has improved functionality. The other benefit is that the UI is much more easily configured. Just go into the gauges view, right click and go into designer mode, and edit the properties of the gauge that you want (don't press delete by accident). You can get it here

Its free, and its better than megatune as it does lots of things automatically (like detection which code version you are using and things like that).

I hope this helps,
