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Fuel sender unit
Mk-Ninja - 24/1/04 at 07:33 PM

I need a fuel sender unit without any fuel connections, any ideas.


tr - 24/1/04 at 07:59 PM

Is this what your after? I've got a new one on it's way thats matched to my gauges (Well, thats the theory). U2U me your address and it's yours.


Mk-Ninja - 24/1/04 at 08:17 PM

Thanks Tom. What Im after is a sender unit without the Fuel Feed and vent pipes a they are built into my tank already. If all else fails Ill just have to bung them up but thought it would look better for the SVA if I could get a plain sender unit.

Thanks anyway for the offer


tr - 24/1/04 at 08:20 PM

Ahhh, I getcha...

The clue was in the phrase "without any fuel connections"


Mark Allanson - 24/1/04 at 08:32 PM

The sender for the sierra injection models is the same as the one in the photo except there sre no fuel connections - I've got one - but I am using it!

Mk-Ninja - 24/1/04 at 08:40 PM

Brilliant Mark. Exactly what I want, Ill get one next week.

Thanks Gordon