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Electronic Speed Sensor
Hellfire - 28/1/04 at 12:01 AM

Can we use the following part as pickup for our electronic '95 speedo:

It has three outputs same as 'blades (pink/green/black) but as I don't know too much I am in a predicament...

Can you help us out here lads?

PioneerX - 28/1/04 at 10:21 AM

If you go to the RS website you can get the datasheet for this part (I have a papercopy, but not with me at the moment).

Hellfire - 28/1/04 at 03:20 PM

Thanks Pio - the datasheet would not download satisfactorily the other day so I couldn't be sure whether it was suitable.

It very obviously is and I will be placing order for it shortly - probably :-)


Northy - 28/1/04 at 05:51 PM


What speedo are you using it with?

Hellfire - 29/1/04 at 12:30 PM

Hoping to use the original bike speedo.