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help with wiring starter
mkblade - 8/6/09 at 06:27 PM

hi all
ive posted this pic of a very rough drawing ive done wiring the fia switch ive tried one way a blown the cdi unit.

so the diagram is the new way i hope of resolving my nightmare i think ive worked it all out but im not sure if the output from the starter switch should go??

should it be to pin two ecu side??

sorry for the rubbish big pic

blakep82 - 8/6/09 at 06:44 PM

where is the battery? i can see its on there but can't see where its connected

minitici - 8/6/09 at 10:16 PM

Are you just trying to ADD an FIA master switch into your existing wiring loom (retaining separate ignition and starter switches)?

Or are you trying to control your ignition switch function from the FIA master switch?

Either way - throw that diagram away

I've got a copy of the Fireblade wiring diagram and I could draw you up a basic diagram to incorporate an FIA master switch (if you can let me know what existing features you have retained from the original loom).

Are you using a post 1997 Fireblade engine?
Are you using an existing Fireblade ignition barrel?