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square headlamps
MK9R - 16/3/04 at 12:37 PM

I know a few people are looking for square headlmaps and have just seen a Renault 5 extra van which had had square headlights. I've trwaled the internet looking for pictures of one of these but can't find one. Can anyone help me out??

chrisg - 16/3/04 at 06:14 PM

Dax use the ones from a Citroen Diane.



Mk-Ninja - 16/3/04 at 10:20 PM

Chris. DAX are out of stock (having tooling made) Citroen are out of stock as are all the 2CV spares stockists. Come on Austen knock some shells up. The Greenway moulding Co could make a killing here.

MK9R - 17/3/04 at 07:47 AM

Its not the mouldings, its an easily (and cheap) and plentiful supply of square lamps we are trying to source. The list of donors we have come up with so far are:-

2CV - can't get them
Allegro/maestro van - Can't get new ones, and not many left 2nd hand
Toyota Hilux/Vauxhall Brava - Bloody expensive
Renualt 5 extra van/early 5's - looking into it
Early basic Metros - Not easily available.
MKI Capri - no chance!

I Cannot believe how difficult they are to find!

If anyone has got any other suggestions or a good source of any of these, i will give you a free set of shells (when they are finished)!

Mk-Ninja - 17/3/04 at 08:29 AM

Now theres a challenge

Mk-Ninja - 17/3/04 at 08:50 AM

Austen before I start the search in ernest, have you seen the square light units in the headlight section on the SVC website. Dont know how big they are or if suitable, but maybe worth a look.

MK9R - 17/3/04 at 08:57 AM

yep, spoke to steve about them. He only has a handful of them.

[Edited on 17/3/04 by MK9R]

Mk-Ninja - 23/3/04 at 04:09 PM

In trying to locate a supply of square headlights, I have seen several tractors and JCB type machines which are road legal, with square lights. Does anybody know where manufactures of such vehicles get their lights from.

Thanks Gordon