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Overiding Neutral...
Hellfire - 28/3/04 at 11:48 PM

Lads - just a quickie (I hope!)

The blade engine/loom we have:

Can anyone confirm that to overide the neutral start criteria that I join the:

Lt Green/Red
Lt Green (x2)
On the Clutch diode...

This (I want) to show Neutral when in Neutral, but allow to start in any gear also.

The problem we have is finding neutral when static and not able to flick up/down when in another gear due to lack of movement of car.

alister667 - 29/3/04 at 06:49 PM

Hi, sorry it took so long for a reply, i was having hassle getting onto the site earlier - and I was buzzing on too much adrenaline last night
I've taken this from a document I got (God knows where from) called 'Blade Startup check list' - This is about the wiring of the clutch and neutral wires. As far as I recall this is how I wired mine up (*I THINK*) and it works exactly as you'd want - starts in any gear but the neutral light still functions OK.
· Ensure all Green wires in the loom are earthed to the chassis

· Connect Green and Green/White together at the side-stand switch connector

· Connect Green/White and Green/Red together at the clutch switch connector

· Earth the Blue/Red neutral switch wire (Unless you can find neutral!)

If you don’t have the original handlebar switches:

o Connect a switch between Black and Black/White for the stop switch. Leave switch in “open” position until ready to start.

o Connect a switch between Red/Yellow and Black/White for the starter switch. Leave switch in “open” position until ready to start.

I'll have a look tomorrow to see if I can spot what I've done (I might have to strip back some insulating tape) - my MOT retest is tomorrow early afternoon and I don't want to touch the wiring until after then if I can help it!!

alister667 - 29/3/04 at 07:52 PM

Hmmm actually the more I think about this I think there might have been a problem with these wiring instructions - I'll have a look and let you know tomorrow afternoon.

Hellfire - 29/3/04 at 09:15 PM

I'll check the circuit and test output and probability of damge and test accordingly. I thought it was something to do with the small diode block? Maybe someone else could shed a bit more light too would be nice!

Brooky - 30/3/04 at 09:42 AM

Try Dodogyrodgers wiring diagram.

alister667 - 30/3/04 at 08:33 PM

I had a quick look at my loom tonight. I'll have to do a fair bit of stripping to find out what I've got connected up. If you try the advice from dodgyroger and the stuff I've posted and still can't get it to work drop me a line and I'll wind back some insulating tape. If it's of any help I didn't have to do anything with a diode to get mine to work, just wires and connectors.
Let me know how you get on.

Hellfire - 30/3/04 at 11:27 PM

Looked at most wiring diagrams which did help but never really.

I got some advice back from Yahoo Forum too, but it was to ground the red/blue. This I discovered was the earth to the oil pressure switch which would have bypassed the switch (hence light always ON).

Anyhow, I chopped out the clutch diode. Joined the Lt Green (x2) to the Lt Grn/Red then earthed the Grn/Red.


elitewiring - 31/3/04 at 02:16 PM

the easiest way to do the job is:
at starter relay pick out the green/red wire and cut in and connect to earth.
this over rides the need to be in neutral to operate the starter.
then at the ecu find,cut and connect to earth the green/whoite wire. this provides the earth the ecu need to operate(which would have been through the side stand switch).
this setup basically removes the clutch switch, sidestand switch and one of the diodes for the neutral switch, you will still be provided a neutral light.
sorry to get this info to you too late, but it may help someone else.
note if you had earthed the green/red at relay you wouldnt have needed to chop both the diodesout, but your set up will work ok.