I have some savage switches to wire up.
What are the best crimp connectors to use
Cheers Paul
I used speaker crimps from maplin they are smaller than the red crimps, but they do have a red plastic cover.
the speaker ones i tried didn't fit perfectly. i ended up getting some non-insulated ones and some clear insulation for them.
got the insulation here http://www.vehicle-wiring-products.eu/VWP-onlinestore/terminalsnonins/noninsblades.php
but there terminals are 2.8 x 0.8mm so i got the terminals from http://www.polevolt.co.uk/ as they do 2.8 x 0.5mm which fit perfectly. didn't use
polevolt for the insulation as they only do hard in that size.
how many do you need as i might have a few spare? i'll have a look in the garage later
[Edited on 22/11/09 by bigfoot4616]
bigfoot I need about 20 connectors.
I think that the makers of Savage switches should start putting connectors in with the switches
no sorry, haven't got that many