I've decided that it would be a good idea, mainly for piece of mind but also to be sure there are no issues with IVA to incorporate a transponder
type immobiliser into me MK Indy build. I've seen three types that look suitable on Ebay:
Falcon Link
Cobra Link
Toad Link
They are seem pretty similar, except the Falcon one immobilises three circuits while the others only immobilse two.
Doies anyone have any experience of installing/using any of them and can give me some advice on which I should go for please?
toad are really well known. right up there with clifford alarms. i'd go with that
I've had full Thatcham Cat1 Cobra systems on my previous tintops and would rate them well. I've never had a problem with any of them; one
was installed by a professional and certified, the other I fitted myself.
I've seen a lot of adverts for Toad as well, so can only assume they're a well known brand, but can't say I've ever heard of
Just my 2p's worth.
oh yeah, cobra too^
never heard of falcon.
how does it work with installation? you're supposed to have them fitted professionally for insurance etc. what do you do with the certificate
they send you?
I am not sure that you even get an installation diagram for a thatcham 1 alarm as they wanted to be installed only from pros.
Ive installed a toad touch key and rate it as very good value.
Thanks for the replies guys. The main thing for me is that it works in preventing the car being driven away by some toerag but also that it is
reliable and doesn't throw a wobbly and immobilse the car when I want to start it. Given that I and it appears no-one else has heard of Falcon I
guess they are off my list. The Toad immobiliser is the cheaper, so I reckon I'll go with that one. As for the installation certificate, I
assumed they were including it so the DIYer can pretend to his insurance company that it has been installed professionally and claim the discount.
Sounds a bit dodgy to me?!
Originally posted by Pete Jordan
Thanks for the replies guys. The main thing for me is that it works in preventing the car being driven away by some toerag but also that it is reliable and doesn't throw a wobbly and immobilse the car when I want to start it. Given that I and it appears no-one else has heard of Falcon I guess they are off my list. The Toad immobiliser is the cheaper, so I reckon I'll go with that one. As for the installation certificate, I assumed they were including it so the DIYer can pretend to his insurance company that it has been installed professionally and claim the discount. Sounds a bit dodgy to me?!