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Alternator Amperage
goaty - 20/12/09 at 12:41 PM

Can anyone give me advice on what rating alternator i would require???
Its a duratec eninged 7 with just the usual lighting and will have a aftermarket ecu.
is 40Amp enough or pushing it???
many thnaks

clairetoo - 20/12/09 at 01:05 PM

40 amp should be fine , thats what I run on my V6 Fury with no problems .

britishtrident - 20/12/09 at 01:35 PM

Fuel injection systems take a fair amount of juice but 40 amp should be enough because you don't have a heated rear window or will doing much winter or night driving.

goaty - 20/12/09 at 06:26 PM

perfect, cheers guys