Just changed the knock sensor on the celica as it was giving me lots of problems.
They are VERY fragile so I decided to replace with a different type.
Fitted a bosch I had lying arround from a scrap yard - didn`t work.
Researched and found out that the sensors are resonat at 7khz.
Simple made a filter circuit to only pass at 6-8Khz.
It works but only with the gain very high (amplifing between 10 - 50 times).
So questions are:
1) As this sensor is about 10 years old could the output be low due to the age?
2) Anyone know of a cheap type to get a brand new one, ie off a 95 astra.
Looking for one with an 8mm hole, bosch minitimer connector.
Should either work, or not work.
If you look on the megasquirt site theres a circuit for a knock detection amp/filter
Found this on ebay
Thats not a bad price, looked a ebay yeaterday but must have missed that.
Problem is that the sensor can`t be on a lead.
Thinking about it, the gain is so high that I could be picking up electrical interference. The ecu throws a fault code if it does not see any noise,
if it sees too much it will make the car horrible to drive so it is a fun ballancing act!
Sorry for the slight hijack Darren... does anyone know of any ECU's that can monitor 4 knock-sensors?
I would say no. But clever electronics could be used.
Two twin knock sensor interfaces, 1 processor, and a knock generator to feed a "false" knock signal would work.
Originally posted by turbodisplay
Looking for one with an 8mm hole, bosch minitimer connector.
slightly more expensive:
for the replies, I will try the motor factors on tuesday.
Either tat or see if a few secondhand ones work better.
Originally posted by turbodisplay
Researched and found out that the sensors are resonat at 7khz.
Simple made a filter circuit to only pass at 6-8Khz.
It works but only with the gain very high (amplifing between 10 - 50 times).