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VDO Fuel Gauge and Sender
Dave Bailey - 5/1/10 at 07:08 PM

Hi all.... I have digital dash and have to feed a voltage into the dash with a lookup table to represent the amount of fuel in the tank. The VDO dip type have a resistance of 0 - 60 ohms depending on length from full to empty. I have made a constant current source of 100mA that will give me a swing of about 5 volts or so for the dash. The thing is I do know if the 100mA is o.k. for the sender in the tank.... If anyone has a VDO fuel gauge and sender I would appreciate if you could measure the current through the sendor so that I know I will not destroy the sender @100mA.

Tried to talk to VDO and didn't get any help at all.... The sender is 40-50 pounds so I don't want to do the old trial and error bit!

Dave Bailey