Hi, anybody know what is required to use the above system. Special alternator? Special rev counter? Is it possable to alter rev counter for differing alternator drive ratio's? Thanks Ray
I've not seen an alternator driven rev counter, but I've got an alternaor driven set of shift lights.
They are very accurate & are driven simply by the increase in the frequency of the waveform generated by the alternator (so far as I understand
The downside is that they need to be calibrated to the vehicle so you need an accurate rev counter (frequently available on timing lights) to be able
to accurately set them up in the first case.
I can see no reason (other than the calibration issue) why a suitable rev counter wouldn't work in this way, but haven't had any personal
experience outside of the above. HTH
They old ones were a mechanical rev counter, cable driven off the back of the alternator/dynamo
I have an alternator driven rev counter on my '96 Volvo 940. It has a seperate connection on the alternator and works on the frequency of the generated waveform I think. (taken into account the crankshaft and alternator pulley diameter ratio)
Back in the 'ol days, diesels used to be like this. The alternator indeed had a special connection on the back and the rev counter needed to be calibrated to the engine's pully arrangement.
Originally posted by Chippy
Hi, anybody know what is required to use the above system. Special alternator? Special rev counter? Is it possable to alter rev counter for differing alternator drive ratio's?
Hi, thanks for that guy's, this is for a couple of diesels due to be fitted in a boat, so the alternator powered rev counter seems the easiest route to go down. So should be fairly easy to find the correct alternators and a couple of electronic rev counters. Thanks for the help. Cheers Ray