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Wiper arms, will these fit?
sebastiaan - 26/2/10 at 07:46 PM


I installed my wiper motor (mini type) a few weeks ago and am now looking for arms and blades to fit. My car is LHD as i'm in the Netherlands. I * think* land rover arms might fit; problem is that there is loads of different ones. I found these: item53df145c4a on Ebay, but am unsure if they'll fit my wiper boxes. Does anyone know?

Alternatively, a good (locost!) source of wiper arms in black for a mini would be greatly appreciated.


RK - 26/2/10 at 09:50 PM

CBS has what you want, but be careful they are the right size for the wheelboxes - I ordered some mini ones and they are too small for the MGB boxes I have. Wipers are a big pain in the bum.

rusty nuts - 27/2/10 at 07:09 AM

I have MG Midget arms on my car , had to shorten them slightly but that was easy . Remove the rivets , shorten the arms , redrill and rivet. Not sure if they are available in black .

RK - 28/2/10 at 01:51 AM

Shortening is easy, but you can't do much about the spindle diameter.