Is the rack pulled in or pushed out when a Lucas 2-speed wiper motor stops?
I'm working out which way my wiper boxes should fit...
Depends on where the cam is on the wiper motor gear really - you can pull it out and move it 180degrees.
Best bet would be to connect up the electrics and try it?
half stealing this thread, but sort of similar, can i run 2 different sweep wheel boxes at the same time (assuming they miss hitting each other )
Originally posted by rusty nuts
Best bet would be to connect up the electrics and try it?
Originally posted by dave r
half stealing this thread, but sort of similar, can i run 2 different sweep wheel boxes at the same time (assuming they miss hitting each other )
Originally posted by dave r
half stealing this thread, but sort of similar, can i run 2 different sweep wheel boxes at the same time (assuming they miss hitting each other )
I now know which way mine stops (rack pushed out) and I can see how to modify it if I want it the other way.
Life's a lot easier when you can run it under power...