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today the postman brought me.........
rayward - 12/4/10 at 06:20 PM

new digi dash.............

saw these on ebay and took a punt on one,

comes with speedo sensor and magnet, backlight can be switched indivicually so no need for a seperate "lights on" indicator, removing one of the buttons means the speed is displyed all the time, so should be OK for IVA

[Edited on 12/4/10 by rayward]

blakep82 - 12/4/10 at 06:21 PM

wish my postie was so generous

Stuart_B - 12/4/10 at 06:26 PM


looks nice

r1_pete - 12/4/10 at 06:38 PM

Very nice, all I've had for the past week is junk 'To the Occupier'.

Waiting for a trigger wheel so I can mock my edis / jolt up in the lathe...

skinned knuckles - 12/4/10 at 06:45 PM

luck you, all i got today was an inforcement letter telling me i have to fell some trees in my garden in case they fall on to some houses next door

dazzx10r - 12/4/10 at 07:47 PM

lucky you, all I got from my postie today was a £50 fine from the dvla for not telling them that I scraped a car! barstewards!

balidey - 12/4/10 at 08:20 PM


today the postman brought me.........

off ?

LBMEFM - 12/4/10 at 08:21 PM


gottabedone - 12/4/10 at 09:18 PM

you have an understanding postman

eddie99 - 12/4/10 at 09:21 PM

As above, bluddy nice postman you have!

rayward - 12/4/10 at 09:47 PM

hmmm are some of you nice people misreading BROUGHT as BOUGHT ???

I had to pay for the the thing !!

thefreak - 13/4/10 at 12:26 PM

Got anymore details?

rayward - 13/4/10 at 02:45 PM

Link to the ebay listing,

didn;t pay any import duty so just over £80 delivered, he also has some other styles which look ok too.

the instructions arn't 100% clear but wiring etc is pretty simple to

other types

just to say nothing to do with me, just think they seem good value

[Edited on 13/4/10 by rayward]

[Edited on 13/4/10 by rayward]

[Edited on 13/4/10 by rayward]