I am currently building an MNR Vortx, is there a good way to lay the savage switches out on the centre tunnel, or is it whatever you are happy with -
anything specific for iva ?
On the iva - do you have to have an immobiliser ? in the iva book it says it has to be installed with a certificate - does this mean you cannot do it
yourself - this is something i am more than capable of doing, however happy to sub it out to a local alarm firm if it means passing the iva
Lastly – do your indicator switches have to have symbols on them, my savage switches are blank for the indicators, obviously i will get a visual
indication on the dash
Thanks in advance for any replies
Yes you have to have some form of immobilisation device, can be electronic or mechanical.
Where does it say immobiliser has to be installed with a certificate?? Just seems a bit of an odd question to ask "does it have to...." and
then "it has to be....."??????
If you want symbols for your savage switches contact sales@apem.co.uk, they sent me some FOC
It used to say it had to be installed by a professional, but it's been relaxed in the latest version of the manual I have (version 4).
If you look at the change record in Section 13A you can see
"Remove the requirement of documentary evidence for the immobiliser" dated 29/06/2009
On the layout of switches, so long as the pass projection tests, are reachable and if you are using the lights for tell-tales are visible while
strapped in they should be fine.
[Edited on 11/5/10 by iank]
Great, thanks for the replies, I will install an immobiliser myself, and work out some sort of switch design, seems sensible that you should be able
to reach them and see the tell tales !
I will download version 4 of that manual as well, clearly I was looking at an out of date version.