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where can i get a ford crank sensor on a sunday?
RMarine - 10/7/10 at 04:59 PM

as above

dave - 10/7/10 at 05:22 PM

I have 1 but i dont think you will get it for Sunday.

scudderfish - 10/7/10 at 05:29 PM

I've got one if you want to come and get it.

stevebubs - 10/7/10 at 05:45 PM

breakers unless you can find somewhere like camberley autofactors that are open on a sunday....

Oddly, Halfords *should* be able to get you the part...but doubt it would be same day...

Thinking about it - 11/7/10 at 06:23 AM

Euro car parts sell them.
