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where to get shielded cable?
Miks15 - 14/7/10 at 09:05 PM

I need some shielded cable to do the wiring from my edis to my VR sensor. Anyone know any suppliers?


clairetoo - 14/7/10 at 09:10 PM

I get mine from Maplins

Miks15 - 14/7/10 at 09:16 PM

this kind of thing?

blakep82 - 14/7/10 at 09:24 PM

needs to be twin core + sheild for VR sensors
more like this
but cheaper if possible

hobbsy - 14/7/10 at 09:26 PM

Depending on how long you need it you could always chop up a spare composite audio (phono) patch lead???

Miks15 - 14/7/10 at 09:42 PM

how about this one?

paulf - 14/7/10 at 09:44 PM

Maplins sell suitable cable but you will need a plug for the VR sensor, it is a junior power timer socket .If you need to buy the plug then why not just visit a scrapyard and pull some wiring from a few mondeos?

Originally posted by Miks15
I need some shielded cable to do the wiring from my edis to my VR sensor. Anyone know any suppliers?


paulf - 14/7/10 at 09:48 PM

This one would be better

Originally posted by Miks15
how about this one?

[Edited on 14/7/10 by paulf]

Miks15 - 14/7/10 at 09:53 PM

i already have the plug for the sensor so thats not a problem, just need the cable, will probably go for that last one since its cheap

clairetoo - 14/7/10 at 10:06 PM

I use this one as I find the cheaper one's are just too small for the seals on the junior timer plugs , as well as being well fiddly to assemble into the connectors

Stott - 14/7/10 at 10:17 PM

Does anyone else find the maplin site slow as hell or is it just me?

It's been like that for months on my laptop

snapper - 14/7/10 at 10:22 PM

I have extensive experience of shielded cable for Megajolt, generaly any good cable for the megajolt Edis loom is ok but for the VR connection even the expensive Maplin stuff gaveway, probably because the stands are to thin.
I have found that the cable from is just the job

BenB - 15/7/10 at 09:46 AM

I might be lucky but on the VR sensor for my AST speedo I used a single screened cable very much like the first one linked to. Works fine for me..... your mileage may vary