Hi guys,
i have a sylva striker with a 1300 crossflow engine.
Basically i need to start thinking about the wiring of the car. So far there is literally not a single wire to be seen, so the whole lot needs
My question is, is it benificial to get some kind of pre made loom, or to dive in and do from scratch? I'm hardly an expert at wiring, in fact
wiring diagrams and stuff are likely to confuse me a bit but could probably get my head around... but i'm pretty hand with a soldering iron and a
crimper so don't mind doing what needs to be done!
I did mine totally from scratch. One circuit at a time making many notes on wire colours and fuse nos. etc.. so far no problems!
^^^ as above Just do one thing at a time and hold it together with masking tape. When its done just remove the masking tape and wrap with your choice
of covering. Its not hard, just take your time.
Much cheaper than an of the shelf loom.
This diagram breakes down to make it very easy and is good for a guide but the
fog light operation is not correct.
[Edited on 22/8/10 by big_wasa]
I used those tie-wraps that hold plastic food bags shut - a strand of wire in a paper cover - they're great for holding a bundle of wires together, and easily removed.
thanks guys, yeh i was thinking that i should do it all from scratch, just didn't know if there was an easier solution... suppose it will be a good way to learn about car electrics at least!
Get a pre made loom from premier it will be cheaper in the long run
I would ask how much time and patience have you got? If you have lots, you can call Premier or whomever for the correct, easy solution, once
you've bodged it enough to pull all your hair out.
I have learned many things whilst building my car, and the main one is that as long as the correct part is available, it's easy peasy. That is a
I made mine from scratch. If I did it again I would have bought a pre-made one. They seem expensive but all the bits add up when you do it
Definitely put in a battery cut-off switch even if you aren't going to race. Its just useful.
Before you commit yourself to any of the options, gather as much info as possible.
Buying parts may end up being more expensive than buying a complete loom.
Check this link that I saved for future reference, although I bought a pre-made loom.
Originally posted by Angel Acevedo
It's really a question of how much you value your time.
If it was me I would buy a Premier loom
I had the time and really didnt have the money so i made my own. As said, it is quite easy if you take your time and have the patience.
As Speedy says, thats how i did mine,
I intend to make my own from scratch based on the premis that at the end of the process my time invested will have resulted in me having a bespoke
loom and having increased my understanding of vehicle electrics - not a bad swap in my book.
Regards Mick