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Klaxon horn IVA friendly?
corrado vr6 - 5/11/10 at 12:42 PM

Hi, to be a bit different i bought a klaxon horn for my build, im now thinking that i wont get through IVA with this can anyone confirm this? I dont want to buy a new horn unnecessarily, Thanks in advance Greg

David Jenkins - 5/11/10 at 01:06 PM

Very much doubt it!

Best thing would be to fit the klaxon, get all the mountings right, then remove it and use a horn from the scrappy until you're through the IVA.

matt_claydon - 5/11/10 at 01:09 PM

I wouldn't think it'll be allowed. Does it emit a 'continuous uniform sound' and 'perform to an equivalent level to that of a Type-approved vehicle'? That's what the manual requires.

bitsilly - 5/11/10 at 01:18 PM

I had it disconnected and a propper one mounted next to it. Still do for MOT.
Havent got round to fitting a hidden switch to toggle them.
In daily use I would much prefer the real horn for prats who can't drive, but the klaxon to say hi to mates etc, so I'd recommend both.

steve m - 5/11/10 at 01:24 PM

"but the klaxon to say hi to mates etc, so ""

I use the phone

corrado vr6 - 5/11/10 at 01:36 PM

thought as much thanks for that i shall go find another horn then thanks again

britishtrident - 5/11/10 at 01:48 PM

Originally posted by steve m
"but the klaxon to say hi to mates etc, so ""

I use the phone [/quote

Below a certain age they say hi by texting or should it be "txn" ?

Confused but excited. - 5/11/10 at 02:20 PM

In my day a txn was a cowboy in a ten gallon hat. Is this what is known as progress?

bitsilly - 5/11/10 at 02:56 PM

The car it's on has a 6.3 litre Chevy V8 with no wadding in the exhausts, so me and most of my mates are completely deaf!

bitsilly - 5/11/10 at 02:57 PM

(so we can't hear the mobiles!)

irvined - 5/11/10 at 11:12 PM

What you need, is a Horn Blaster