If I diconnect the battery on the E Type for a few minutes, on connecting it back up I get a spike of current draw about 2 or 3 amps, then a constant
drain of .003 Amps.
I have disconnected the alternator, radio, interior lamps, clock is seperate battery, and I still get the problem, its as if a capacitor is charging
up every time I connect the battery.
Anyone any ideas what other components could cause this?
[Edited on 8/1/11 by r1_pete]
[Edited on 8/1/11 by r1_pete]
fuel pump?
ECU or maybe emobilizer if you have one
have you tried removing fuses to isolate the problem ? boot lights are notorious for power drain
Coil ?
Alarm, dodgy suppressor?
mind you 3mA woukld take a year to discharge the battry
Fuel pump is off the ignition, its edis and jolt off the ign switch, I've taken the bulbs out of the interior and boot lights, even disconnected
the live feed from ign and lights.
I'm wondering if there is a bit of insulation somewhere worn thin and allowing capacitance effect??
A fuse pull session is next, its a console and partial dash removal job though
"I'm wondering if there is a bit of insulation somewhere worn thin and allowing capacitance effect?? "
A bit of wire wouldn't give you the capacitance to produce the effect that you are getting: A spike of a couple of amps to start with....suggests
a fair capacitance, if that's what it is.
The only way to find out, is as suggested, pull all fuses and test one circuit at a time.
Interesting problem, sorry I cannot be more specific.
Good luck with it and don't forget to share when you find out.
Yep capacitance I guess it's fine. 3ma DC drain is fine..
I'd also disagree with capacitance.
The drain ought to be trackable as small as it is
Does it have a Smiths clock or similar?
They wind up with a "click" every few minutes.
Could this be the source of the spike?
Sorry.Just re-read original post. Clock-seperate battery.
[Edited on 8/1/11 by SPYDER]
Originally posted by ReMan
I'd also disagree with capacitance.
The drain ought to be trackable as small as it is
0.003 Amps is a very small current drain and is the sort of thing that a clock or immobilisor would draw - maybe the alternator sensing circuit. If
you are really set on finding the source I think the only way you will find it is by pulling fuses, but it is a really insignificant drain and should
not affect your battery life.
[Edited on 10-1-11 by RazMan]
Originally posted by Bluemoon
Originally posted by ReMan
I'd also disagree with capacitance.
The drain ought to be trackable as small as it is
The initial spike IS capacitance OR some electronics doing something "odd", i.e there is some inrush current. Of course the 3mA is traceable, but it's Sooo small it's not worth worrying about IMHO. For example our fiesta always sparks on connection, this is due to things like the ECU etc. but the residual current drain is naff all..
If you want to tracing it is a simple matter and a good starting place is removing fuses and measuring the current on circuit at a time.