Afternoon all,
the oil pressure i need to use for my digi dash only requires a 5v supply. The connector has 3 terminals, one for the 5v supply, on to earth and the
other connects to the digidash via an analog input.
how do i control the voltage travelling to the sensor from the 12v ign supply, i'e what resister would i/do i need?
oh, and where can i get one from? Do i just connect the resister in series to the power supply wire connected to the wire?
All the best
I don't thank that a resistor is the ideal way to do it. You need a '3 terminal regulator' such as a 7805 which will reduce the 12V
down to +5V. The 3 terminals are +12V in, +5V out, and ground. The 7805 can supply a current of around 1A. I've got a box full of them if you
want me to post one up to you?
[Edited on 24/1/11 by Madinventions]
ed u2u sent
Surely be easier to get a traditional oil pressure sender that enables the Digidash to measure resistance to ground, thus requiring a single wire?
Originally posted by omega0684
Afternoon all,
the oil pressure i need to use for my digi dash only requires a 5v supply. The connector has 3 terminals, one for the 5v supply, on to earth and the other connects to the digidash via an analog input.
What Mike said. If there's a difference between the actual voltage output from your external 5V source and the dash's internal 5V reference then the reading the dash tells you won't be entirely accurate (although to be fair it'll only be out by a % or two which is probably moot for most users).
ring digi dash up they were brill when i couldn't get my revometer to work had to use 1k resistor told me exactly how to wire it etc
Might be able to tap a 5v supply off some of the other sensor on the engine (eg throttle position sensor)
However I would probably cannibalise a cigar lighter to USB converter rather than build from scratch.