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Thurbs - 18/2/11 at 05:52 PM

Hi all,
Looking to replace the non finned regulator on my blade powered aries as it's getting a little warm !!!
Does it matter what type as looking on e-bay they all look similar but ones for smaller bikes are a load cheaper.

yorkshire-engines - 18/2/11 at 06:04 PM

Smaller bikes equels smaller generator power put one of these on your blade and it will get hotter that the one you have really hot as in call fire brigade time you need same type or better
whats the wire configuration as i have hundreds of regulators in stock

cheers Malc 07960011585 on hols till 29th

Thurbs - 18/2/11 at 06:32 PM

It's standard fireblede layout, 3 male pins in the regulator, can take a quick pic if you like.
What sort of price am i looking at ? I'd rather buy one that I know will do the job.

SPYDER - 18/2/11 at 06:34 PM

Our 929 'blade rectifier gets quite warm as it doesn't get much airflow across it so we have attached a small computer fan to it to aid cooling.


ReMan - 18/2/11 at 09:44 PM

If its a real fireblade one, then a heatsink and fan shoud keep it alive, they do get warm normally

mad-butcher - 20/2/11 at 07:27 PM

Blade ones are complete and utter shite on a kitcar, pattern ones are even worse, what you need is an ORIGINAL one from a CB 250/400N honda Superdream, getting rare and expensive now, I went through the original and 2 pattern ones before biting the bullet and paying £30 for a s/h dream one and have had 18 months trouble free use so far.
Do a search on here about them
