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Bike battery on Rotax Max Kart
matt.c - 12/3/11 at 02:50 PM


I have been having a few odd problems with the battery on my rotax kart. It does not always want to start on the grid.

The engine uses a starter and bendix system with a bike battery to power it. The starter/bendix wont always enguage the flywheel. Have had the starter and bendix checked by my engine builder and has been given the ok. He says it could be the battery not having enough power. Checked voltage on battery and seems fine and had the optimate telling me its fine too.
Is there a way i can do any other tests on the battery to test voltage drain when starting and recovery. Are there any other things i could test it for?

Battery are £45 a throw so really dont want to splash out if its not needed.

Cheers guys


austin man - 12/3/11 at 03:00 PM

can you try it on someone elses cart ?. Just because it shows full voltage that doesnt necessarily mean it's kicking out the required power. I have tested voltages on car batteries to find them at 12.5 volt but innadequate to turn the car over then noticed that a few cells were down.

tomgregory2000 - 12/3/11 at 04:10 PM

What you need is to do a drop test on the battery, which draws a huge current through the battery and the unit will have a gauge on it and just watch the needle and see what it points to and it will tell you the condition of the battery