I have been asked to wire up a wiper kit for my mate on his
robin hood 2b. He has bought the kit and fitted the wheel boxes/motor and rack
now needs it to work.
He wants a simple on/off switch to operate the motor on a single speed,as the wiper switch gear
from the donor has been removed.
My question is this;Does anyone have a simple wiring diagram of the circuit so i can get it wired for him.
GBS havent supplied any form of instructions.
P.S,it is the Mini type wiper motor.
any help?
Cheers Femi,
Lucas wiper wiring is eccentric, to say the least! This page might help...
MGB wipers
My 2-speed Lucas ex-Mini wipers come under the "Later 2-speed" diagram.
This refers to a special Lucas wiper switch, which is by far the easiest way to wire these up (available from SVC and VWP). If you don't like
the look (or price!) of that then there are other ways of doing it: I used a off-on-on car light switch + 2 relays to make mine work.
I can give further info if required...
As for using the Sierra switch gear - I am not sure that the contacts will handle the current and back-EMF from a wiper motor... originally the Ford
switch only drove relays. I know people do use these switches though, perhaps they're lucky.
[Edited on 16/3/11 by David Jenkins]
u2u sent David.
Thanks for all the help with wiring my mates wiper motor
Guy's. I followed the given advice and the wipers are now wiping.
Well done!