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What kind of plug is this ? (and where can I get one)
mcerd1 - 28/3/11 at 12:00 PM



its off a mk1 focus front fog light if that helps any....

luke - 28/3/11 at 12:18 PM

Go a scrappy and just cut one off a cars loom with a short length of cable attached?

bi22le - 28/3/11 at 12:42 PM

Yep, as above.

Either get one off of another car from the scrappies or cut that plug off and just use one of your choice.

I think you will be lucky to find a supplier of new plugs to fit that you can crimp or make up yourself.



big_wasa - 28/3/11 at 01:37 PM

looks like an EV6 plug as used on the latest bosch injectors. You can some times get them new on ebay or other electrical supliers.

compare ?