I need to fit an MPH clock on my VFR 400 and thought about a Koso one as they do an all in one version with Mechanical conversion drive. Just
wondered what peoples thoughts were on Koso speedos?
[Edited on 5/4/11 by The Venom Project]
I used one on my zxr and also use one on my Valdris. Works really well.
Easy enough to wire up.
Good in three cars so far
I used to own a vfr400r nc30, if this is the bike you mean, if i remember correctly if you replace the original clocks with a after market affair you
may have troube getting it started due to some of the electrics in there, check out 400greybike.com for this before doing it.
Originally posted by sky12042
I used to own a vfr400r nc30, if this is the bike you mean, if i remember correctly if you replace the original clocks with a after market affair you may have troube getting it started due to some of the electrics in there, check out 400greybike.com for this before doing it.