Just found this wire under the car, its not connected to anything
Could it be from timing equipment, if not anyone got any ideas
Oooooh thats a bit big, maybe i should shrink it a bit
Yes - it is a bit OTT!
And that looks like the connector for the reverse switch on a ford type 9 gearbox.
was it a reverse light switch off a type 9 box (and maybe some others) ?
Looks like a mahoosive reverse light switch connector from the g/box.
Reverse light switch connector, but I've never seen one wired up with armoured cable before
Originally posted by CRAIGR
Looks like a mahoosive reverse light switch connector from the g/box.
You definitely can't say there isn't enough detail in the picture
Reverse light switch plug. I can just see the switch itself on one of your photo's.