i need a few diodes for my hazard for my hazard light circuit to stop the tell tale lights from being constantly on
50 1N4004 400V 1A Silicon Bridge Rectifier Diodes RoHS | eBay UK is one supplier, unless you have a local electronics hobbyist shop you can go and buy over the counter
You should be able to get one from your local Maplin store.
if you do buy a big pack could you pop a few in the post for my set up? Doing the same thing as you and havent got round to doing the diodes yet. Can send a bit for postage if you want.
course i will mate, if you want any advice on the wiring of the hazard switch i can probably help. i just need the diodes to stop the light bieng on
i was also thinking of putting diodes on the switched live for the side lights,as well as headlights to feed the fog light from as the fog must only
work when other lights are on.
What loom are you using?
Is it one youve built from scratch?
yeah i have the cbs wiring module but the loom is mine.