As part of a wiring re-think I've decided I don't really like the position of my battery - it's currently sat on the scuttle. I think i'm going to shift it to the passenger footwell and shield it with a footrest. Anyone had issues doing this in terms of leg room for passengers and the effective isolation of the passenger from the battery terminals??
Mines in the footwell down the tunnel side. Its a redtop 25 specified for a Buell 1200.
Not had any issues in 3 years turning my zetec over.
Cover held on with velcro...
I also have room in the tunnel right at the front but it is of course within 3 or so inches of the prop......
I have put a varley red top battery on its side on a tray i made under the scuttle in the tunnel above the gearbox
Mines's mounted in the passenger footwell, stuff the passengers legs. It's in it own compartment along with the speedo healer, FI tuner and a few other bits.
Mines in foot well, car battery with enough leg room for my 6ft 2ins mate
Mega Fuse (now 250amp)
Mines in the passenger footwell behind a footplate, no issues with passenger legroom.
Eddbaz - was it ilike that for SVA/IVA?