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alternator(s) not working...
pekwah1 - 24/5/11 at 08:05 PM

Hi guys,

i've tried two alternators now and don't seem to be getting any charge.
The engine is a 1300 xflow and using the standard alternator, have tried 2 so far.

I've hooked the alternator up with 1 single thick battery cable to the positive terminal on the starter which is obviously then run to the battery, but when the engine is running i'm not getting any charge (measuring at the batt terminals).

It's a 3 pin alternator and i believe the 2 big spades are connected, so literally just running one of these to the starter.

Any ideas what i'm doing wrong or have i got 2 duff alternators?


sky12042 - 24/5/11 at 08:44 PM

im no whizz on alternators, but dont you need a wire to the charge light on dash to excite the wiring so it charges.
I'm sure somebody will know a lot more and update this soon.


owelly - 24/5/11 at 09:10 PM

You also need a feed to the alternator windings via a ign lamp. This skinnier wire is to 'excite' the windings to make the alternator work. This should illuminate the ign lamp until the alternator is running. If should then extinguish.

spiderman - 24/5/11 at 09:40 PM

Two large terminals (+,+)need to be connected externally, they are the two outputs from the bridge rectifier and are not always conected internally, then run to battery and small terminal(61, ind), blue wire, to ignition light to excite windings.
Markings on terminals are from memory so may not be correct, assuming you are using a Lucus Alternator. Big wire to starter has nothing to do with charging, It's to supply high current required to turn motor over.
Appologies about the starter cable part you can of course connect the two +ve terminals to the starter cable but the rest is correct.
[Edited on 24/5/11 by spiderman]

[Edited on 24/5/11 by spiderman]