Is a reverse light a legal requirement on the car?.
Also my ignition and oil light does not seem to work anymore. The bulbs are both fine and they worked before when I initially wired them, now they
stop. I looked everywhere but cannot seem to find the fault. Any insight would be appreciated
As said a reversing light isn't a legal requirement for an MOT and wasn't for SVA but don't know if one is needed for IVA due to any changes in regulations?
Yes it is mandatory to have a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2 reverse lights for the IVA.
Yes they are required. Look at section 20 of the IVA manual, Installation of lights.
Just a thought.If you've not got it yet look here
Hi folks,
Thanks for the insight. I checked with the MOT tester and he confirmed that it is NOT a requirement.
Any takes on my second point?