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2CV alternator
Staple balls - 25/7/04 at 09:16 AM

ok, i'm awful at this electrickery lark, but i have

one of these

one of these

could anyone give me of these, and tell me how in hell it should go together?


Deckman001 - 25/7/04 at 06:27 PM

You have u2u


donut - 25/7/04 at 07:43 PM

Ok... you grab some wires, chuck them in a bowl, stir for 1 min with a wooden spoon and throw the lot at the car!!


You get a clever mate to do it!!

I had this set-up but can't for the life of me remember how it was done.......sorry


Mark Allanson - 25/7/04 at 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Deckman001
You have u2u


Don't be shy, Jason - we all want to know

Staple balls - 25/7/04 at 09:20 PM

thanks to jason, this sounds just about right, which is nice

Hi ya, alt first,, + goes to poss of batt terminal, other goes to regulator, regulator also gets an ignition live to 'feed' it and an earth as well, hopefully you will get a reply from conrodkid or Donut, I did Donuts but can remember the exact details, i think he wrote them down , you will also loose the charge light on the dash as the reg doesn't work the same as in a sierra, on that note what loom are you using, if premiere jobbie, then you loose the charge light, and use the blue cable that would have gone from dash light to ford alt, for your ignition fed live to 2cv alt
Hope it helps

theconrodkid - 25/7/04 at 09:25 PM

df is prob feild,- earth and d+ign live

Deckman001 - 25/7/04 at 11:23 PM

I didn't 'post' the answer as i wasn't sure i had it right, memory is bad this time of year I seam to remember we tried connecting it several different ways before we got right, sadly tho forgot to write it down so hense the caution, hope it helped