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bill132hotrod - 14/7/11 at 06:59 PM

Hi Everyone.


Please can anyone help this old codger I have just finished installing a complete Megajolt system that i purchaced from Triggerwheels, I carried out the installation word for word from the instructions, after fitting triggerwheel, coilpack, edis unit ect It started and run as it should in limp mode as suggested in insructions.
I then progressed to fit the other parts plus a new vaccum pipe as the other one was not in a suitable position, and all went well, followed instructions to initial start up, checked power to ECU ligh was on and engine started and ran fine, Engine ticked over and revved fine with no spitting or spluttering.
I then moved on to check with the configerator i followed these instructions and then the problem raied its horrible head, I could get NOTHING AT ALL on real time the configurator was not playing ball.
So please read through what i have done and then tell me i am a complete plonker (OR NOT).
But please be gentle with me as i am not the good with computor technology.

First time use

Installing Configuration Software

Download the version of the Configuration software that matches your controller firmware. It's likely you have a very recent firmware image, so start by downloading the latest version of the Configuration Software from the Downloads section.

Setting the Serial Port

Find and run the Configuration software by finding the icon under the Start Menu program group. Once the program is running, you can set the serial port the MJLJ is connected to by clicking Tools/Configurator Options.

If you don't know which COM port you have the MJLJ connected to, you can discover this under Windows Device Manager: Find the 'My Computer' icon, right-click and select Properties. From this window you will be able to access Device Manager.

Expand the 'Ports (COM & LPT)' to see the list of installed COM ports.

Once you're certain which COM port you're using for the MJLJ, select this value in the options dialog.

USB-Serial Adapter

If your computer does not have an built-in serial port, see the USB-Serial adapter information page for help on selecting a compatible adapter.

Configuring MAP or TPS

In the Controller Options dialog, select the Load type you have for your MJLJ- Throttle Position sensor(TPS) or Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP).

Configuring Normally Aspirated or Forced Induction

Check the 'Normally Aspirated' box if that matches your engine type. This setting will scale the load axis for the runtime and logging views to 103KPa maximum.

Otherwise, leave the box clear if your engine is turbocharged or supercharged. This will set the maximum scale to 255 KPa (approximately 21 PSI of boost)

Connecting to the MJLJ

Serial Cable

The Megajolt Lite Jr uses an RJ11 jack for serial communications, located on the opposite side of the case from the molex connector.

You may construct a cable by modifying a 4 conductor modular phone cable per the wiring diagram, or you may use cable + adapter available through our online store.

Be careful to wire the actual pin number for your DB9 connector- a common mistake is to forget the pins are in reverse when soldering from the back of the connector.

Verifying Connectivity

Thanks in Advance guys,
Also if when i bought the Mega System would it have already been programed with the C20XE MAP, or will it have to be loaded and if so how?????????

After setting the COM port, connect the serial cable to the MJLJ and apply power. If you already have the MJLJ wired into your engine's wiring harness, turn the ignition key to 'on'. If you are testing the MJLJ on the bench, you can simply power the unit with a 9V battery or a suitable 9-15V power supply.

The first way to verify connectivity is to observe runtime data on the screen. On a running engine you'll see the real-time RPM, load and ignition advance values on the gauges at the bottom of the window.

If you're testing on the bench or on a non-running engine, you will still be able to observe some runtime activity by simulating load changing on the engine. For TPS- move the accelerator pedal; MAP- you can manually apply pressure or vacuum to the port on the enclosure.

Successfully connected to the Megajolt Lite Jr.

Common connection problems

If the Configuration Software cannot connect to the MJLJ, you will see one of the following messages in the status bar:

Timeout reading runtime data

The Configuration Software did not get a response from the MJLJ on the serial port you specified.
Does the MJLJ have power, and connected to the computer with a standard serial cable or compatible USB-Serial adapter? See our USB-Serial adapter information page for help in selecting a compatible adapter.

Could not open port

The Configuration Software could not access the serial port you specified.

The port is invalid: Check Device Manager for the proper serial port.
Serial port in use: If another program is using the same serial port your computer will block the Configuration software from accessing the serial port. Check that you don't have any other software which may open and use the serial port you're trying to use, such as PDA sync software

RichardK - 14/7/11 at 07:09 PM

Do you have internet when connected to megajolt? Just wondering if I can remote onto your computer and check it out?



David Jenkins - 14/7/11 at 07:19 PM

I would strongly recommend that you log into the MJ forum at Autosport Labs, if you haven't already. Brent Picasso has been dealing with problems such as these for the past umpteen years, and if he doesn't know the answer, no-one does!

He's also a really nice bloke, and does try to help all his customers. He has also spent AGES trying to help people with USB-Serial adaptor problems!


norfolkluego - 14/7/11 at 07:35 PM

Are you running Vista, MJ doesn't seem to work with it, I had to borrow an old XP laptop to run it (my MJ predates Windows 7)

Ooh forgot to mention, Maplins sorted the serial port adaptor for me, I took the laptop and lead up there with me

[Edited on 14/7/11 by norfolkluego]

bill132hotrod - 14/7/11 at 08:13 PM

No i'm using windows 7

norfolkluego - 14/7/11 at 11:16 PM

My guess then is either a wiring problem or a problem with your serial adaptor.
The adaptor is easy, quick trip to Maplins will sort that out.
My son (Norfolkluegojnr) has recently installed an MJ and had similar problems to you, drop him a U2U and he'll talk you through how he fixed it (it was a wiring problem)

[Edited on 14/7/11 by norfolkluego]

bill132hotrod - 15/7/11 at 12:33 PM

Ok cheers

I was also thinking after tralling through loads of info its got to be a connection fault with the usb cos everything else seems to be ok.

mcerd1 - 15/7/11 at 02:58 PM

have you got an old PC with a real serial port to try it ?

I could lend you one, but I'm not just down the road (although I might be down for a day or so in ~4 weeks time...)

David Jenkins - 15/7/11 at 03:04 PM

Originally posted by mcerd1
have you got an old PC with a real serial port to try it ?

That's the only reason I still have an ancient Toshiba laptop - the screen's not bright enough to read in full sun, the hinge is knackered, and it's as slow as a very slow thing... but it has got a real serial port, and it still talks to my Megajolt. I've even made a special keyboard with just 3 keys to plug into it - start logging, stop logging, and "mark the log".

I can drive along and press buttons without distracting myself while I'm at it (they're also laid out so I don't have to look at them - I can select a button by feel).

I even lashed out on a (not too expensive) replacement battery to keep it functional.

RichardK - 16/7/11 at 07:53 AM

For your info I can confirm personally that this usb adapter does work.

USB Serial Convertor - Suitable for Megasquirt Megajolt | eBay



[Edited on 16/7/11 by RichardK]

bill132hotrod - 16/7/11 at 09:51 AM

Hi Guys
My laptop is a Compac Windows 7 and yes it does have a serial port but when i connect up the serial port lead, i believe all it said was under the RPM gauge was unable to connect to port or something, and nothing works. the engine starts and runs fine Revs ok as well albeit i've not driven it yet so dont know what its like on the road.
I did email Triggerwheel to ask them if it was already mapped for the C20XE, but they just said there was a map on the disc they sent me and it was dead easy to download to the ECU, but everything with computors is double dutch to me so how do i download if the ECU is not talking to the computor ???????????????????????????????????????

David Jenkins - 16/7/11 at 10:29 AM

Maybe you need to try different COM ports on the MJ software - somewhere in the config panel it gives you the chance to select COM1, COM2, etc. Try each of those in turn and see if it will make the connection on one of them.

Usually if you have a serial port it defaults to COM1, but I shouldn't be surprised if it was set to something different...

Also, do you have the correct sort of RS232 cable? The majority are 'straight through' - pin 1 to pin 1, pin 2 to pin 2, etc - but some will have pins 2 & 3 swapped. If you haven't got the right one then you're doomed to failure...

(sorry if this confuses you even further... )

omega 24 v6 - 16/7/11 at 11:46 AM

I'd say its a comms problem as well. Dunno about jolt but on megasquirt you need to configure the baud rate etc and i see none of that on your detailed list of what you have done.
In tuner studio its under communications/setting/com port and baud rate.

whitestu - 16/7/11 at 11:56 AM

I've always had to go into device manager in Windows to see which com port is being used and then select the same one in the MJ software.

Worth a try.


bill132hotrod - 16/7/11 at 09:02 PM

Hi guys
Yes checked coms ports as stu says and it is pionting more towards lead problem also read somewhere that it might be worth trying it through firefox rather than internet explorer.

omega 24 v6 - 16/7/11 at 09:15 PM

If you are using a serial cable make sure its not a crossover ( null modem i think its called) cable but a straighty through i.e. pin 1 to pin 1
pin2 to pin2
etc etc etc

bill132hotrod - 16/7/11 at 09:27 PM

The serial cable i got came with the kit from Triggerwheels.

omega 24 v6 - 16/7/11 at 09:31 PM

Given the problems I've had with megasquirt NEVER assume all is OK with what you have done yourself. Check the cable with a meter just to be sure.

ashg - 26/7/11 at 09:10 PM

went round and sorted it tonight. was the usb to serial adapter