im looking for a savage type switch but with something different engraved on it and cant seem to find anything ,any ideas chaps ??
im after a simple on off switch to turn my boost control solenoid off to limit boost but i like the idea of having "warp speed " on it
GBS Have a new "machine" which they can make pretty much any custom part. They will be machining me custom gear knobs, etc, and they say they can engrave stuff too. Give Richard or Keith a call, sure they will help.
Dave, Savage do a Boost switch if you have no luck finding "warp factor"
cheers chris , with a 7lb spring in the actuator it should be around 300hp but with the boost solenoid nearer to 500 so i thought warp mode would be
quite appropriate
Never had any Savage switches , have only admired from afar ,if the plate on top is removable we have a small engraving machine at work which would do
it, have you thought of having a circle around switch with engraving on- brushed ali or double layer engraving laminate?
Get in touch if we can helpatb
cheers i have a couple of start buttons somewhere il pull one to bits for a look
Dave the engraved roundel is just stuck on, you can buy a blank, remove it and have someone engrave it, job done
Should be an awesome drag car one finished