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lights wiring
RK - 27/8/11 at 08:09 PM

I know this has been discussed, by me as well, ad nauseum, but here is my question:

How do you stop the indicators flashing both sides, whilst the running lights are on? In other words, if the power is put to the right side, as well as the left, you get everything going on at once, which is what you want with running lights, NOT what you want with indicators. I cannot get my head around this, although once upon a time, a couple of years ago now, I did get it working but have started rewiring completely since, and forgotten how.

I have isolated the indicators from the brake lights, by using diodes to stop the circuit feeding back. I have a VW/Audi switch for the hazards, so those are using the same internal flasher as the indicators, so that is no problem either.

thanks again, as always

RichardK - 27/8/11 at 09:49 PM

Any good mate? Can't you just have them separate like below?



[Edited on 27/8/11 by RichardK]

daviep - 27/8/11 at 10:01 PM

I think you might need to tell us brits how your lights are hooked up as our sidelights are nothing to do with the indicators or brakes, however I amsmashed so maybe talking nonsense.


RK - 28/8/11 at 02:57 AM

OK, sorry: I was wanting to put the front, and rear lights on (not the headlights) when the "parking light" switch was on. However, upon reflection (boom, tish....) I have decided to just put the tail lights on when that switch is thrown. This solves everything. The brake light switch circuit is protected by diodes, so not affected.

Which just goes to show you, it's always better to change tack, work on something else all day, and come back to a problem. Of course, my er... brilliant idea here might not work, and I will start again.