Morning all
Thinking of fitting something similar to twin dominator headlights to the Indy. Firstly anyone here already done this and care to post a photo so I
can see how they look?
Secondly I understand that these were originally for the motorcycle market, as they'll no longer be fitted centrally to the vehicle how does this
affect beam pattern etc for MOT?
Cheers all, hope this weather holds for anyone getting their cars out this weekend.
Can't see it being an issue, we all dip to the left, the only problem might be that there are some on the market whose beam pattern doesn't
meet uk spec without twisting the lens. sorry can't remember anymore info about which they were
[Edited on 30/9/11 by mad-butcher]
Some comments re beam pattern from Russ here
cheers for the info, in the post were some Hella lights fitted on a V storm. Anyone know if these incorporate side lights and if the beam pattern etc is okay?
Just fitted some to my car... the rules are different for you than they were for me.....
1: Side lights;
You must have at least two front and rear, and as matched pairs. If your car was registered before 1/4/86 you can have them up to 510mm from the side
of the car, after that date they must be less than 400mm from the side of the car.
The maximum height from the road is (before 1/4/86) 2300mm (after 1/4/86) 2100mm, and vehicles first used before 1/4/86 need only have the lights
visible to the front and rear, those after need to comply with angles of visibility (quite generous and easy to comply with)
Side lights also need to have an “approval” mark on the lens on a car first used on or after 1/1/72, the colour of the sidelight bulbs can only be
yellow OR white. (not BLUE at any time!!)
2: Dip and main beam;
You must have at least two dipped and main beam lights (cars first used on or after 1/4/91 may only have a maximum of two dipped beams and no more)
they must form a matched pair. ( A maximum of four main beams after this date as well, but as many as you like before it.) And on a vehicle registered
after 1/4/91, the vehicle to which they are fitted must have a plate fixed on or near the headlights indicating the recommended angle of deflection
downwards of the dipped beams.
On cars first used on or after 1/1/56 the minimum height from the road surface to the centre of the dip beam lens is 500mm, on vehicles first used
before 1/1/72 there are no lateral fitting requirements, cars after that date the dip beams must be within 400mm from the side of the car. The dip
beam lights must be below a height of 1200mm from the road.
Cars first used on or after 1/4/86 must use lens's with an approval mark, those before do not have to. Also cars before that date need not be
fitted with dip beam lens's designed for use on left hand drive cars, but cars after that date must use them. Interestingly you can take a car of
any age for MOT with right hand dipping lights with beam correctors fitted.
The positional requirements for main beam fitting are less regulated than the dips however the main beams must be in-board of the dip beams, and
other than fitting them at the maximum height of 1200mm from the road surface they can be placed more or less anywhere facing the front of the car.
Dip beam lights must be of an approved type and must dip to the left, they can dip "level" but not to the right. Oddly they can dip to the
right if beam correctors are fitted for the MOT.
on my car they look good but dip beam is rubbish (you would do better with a torch out of the window), main beam is awesome!! all my bulbs are 100w
and i can have all 4 lit at the same time (age of my car)
here is a an early Dutton Phaeton, very good cars actually better than the price would suggest on ebay and not so bad that large numbers
of new builders register their cars as Duttons to avoid the IVA